I know that it can be frustrating to feel like no matter what you do, you keep coming back to working on the same problems, traumas and fears in your life. I lived that cycle over and over for far too long and I would love to help you break free. The ThetaHealing®️ technique is all about understanding why the patterns in our lives are being created, how it has served us and how we can change it and create new patters, programs and opportunities. You really don't have to stay stuck, you don't have to suffer and be in pain.

It's time to break free, it's time to move out of merely surviving life and to step into creating the life you have always dreamed of for yourself. Let's get to work, the truest version of who you are is waiting!

are you feeling stuck?

45 minute session

Virtual Session via Phone Call or Zoom

In this session you will work one on one with Kate. Together you will dig deep into the root of the subconscious programs that are running your life and shift them to help you create a completely new reality. Whether it's health, relationships, spirituality, abundance or manifestation, we'll figure out where you're stuck and help you break free. Using the extraordinary technique of ThetaHealing, we will reprogram new cellular patterns and neuropathways to help you to heal and start living your life more authentically.

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75 minute session

Virtual Session via Phone Call or Zoom

This is the powerhouse session! If you have been through many challenges in life, major life changes, trauma or loss, this session is for you. I believe that in order for us to create the life we have always dreamed of, we must first heal what we have been through. In this session you will work one on one with Kate. Together you will dig deep into the root of the subconscious programs that were created through all the hardships you have endured. Using the extraordinary technique of ThetaHealing, we will reprogram new cellular patterns and neuropathways to help you to heal and start living your life more authentically.

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the ThetaHealing technique!


Advanced DNA

Dig Deeper

You & the Creator

One of the most powerful things that you can do as a healer is to heal yourself. The more you understand and heal within you, the more you will have the capacity to help others .Learning this technique will increase your intuitive and healing abilities on all levels. You will learn to see the body in a whole new way and it will give you the tools to work on yourself and your own clients daily. Learning to connect into a theta brainwave and witness healings taking place in an instant is one of the most powerful things I have ever experienced in all my life. I believe that we are being given these gifts at a time when the earth as a whole needs more healing than ever before. If you feel called to be a source of light and healing on the earth and for those in need, join me in learning and sharing these amazing gifts.

Are you a healer that is ready to learn the extraordinary art of ThetaHealing?

(3 Day Class-Prerequisites Required)

(2 Day Class-Prerequisites Required)

(2 Day Class-Prerequisites Required)




Email us at pureinnerwidom@gmail.com to inquire about upcoming classes!

Basic DNA

(3 Day Class)


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Studio Eleven Creative